AMD Ryzen 5 5500 3.6GHz Base Clock 6-Core 12-Thread Desktop Processor




AMD R5 5500 basic parameters

High performance chips

Affordable choice for gamers

Affordable choice for gamersSmart Choice for Creative Workers

AM4 Motherboard Recommend


AMD’s product warranty does not include damage caused by overclocking, and even if the overclocking function is enabled through AMD hardware, it is not covered by AMD’s warranty.

The maximum acceleration frequency (Max frequency) of a processor is the highest frequency that a single core can reach when running heavy single threaded work on the processor. The maximum acceleration frequency will vary based on several factors, including but not limited to: hot glue, system cooling, motherboard design and BIOS: new AMD chipset drivers, and new operating system updates.

The product pictures are for reference only, please refer to the actual received item.

Please refer to the memory compatibility list of each motherboard manufacturer for specific memory frequency support.

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